Die Menschen mit ihren langen Gesichtern, den traurigen Augen und den heruntergezogenen Mundwinkeln verstehen das natürlich nicht. Sie widmen sich lieber „dem Ernst des Lebens“, so wie sie es von ihren Eltern übernehmen. Sie jagen die Lachenden davon wegen Erregung öffentlichen Ärgernisses …
Wärest du JETZT bereit, dich zu ihnen zu gesellen und aus vollem Herzen mitzulachen bis die Tränen deine Wangen hinunterrinnen?
Warum solltest du das tun? Du hast Zweifel?
Ist dir die Welt nicht absurd genug?
Ist dir nicht längst aufgefallen, dass nichts so ist, wie es angeblich zu sein hätte?
My dear friend OSHO once told me about a group of enlightened people who travel from town to town and burst out laughing everywhere in the marketplace ...
The people with their long faces, sad eyes and down-turned corners of their mouths don't understand this, of course. They prefer to devote themselves to "the serious side of life", just as they learned from their parents. They chase the laughing ones away for causing a public nuisance ...
Would you be willing to join them NOW and laugh along wholeheartedly until the tears run down your cheeks?
Why would you do that? Do you have doubts?
Isn't the world absurd enough for you?
Haven't you long since noticed that nothing is as it is supposed to be?
Quelle: Otfried Weise
My dear friend OSHO once told me about a group of enlightened people who travel from town to town and burst out laughing everywhere in the marketplace ...
The people with their long faces, sad eyes and down-turned corners of their mouths don't understand this, of course. They prefer to devote themselves to "the serious side of life", just as they learned from their parents. They chase the laughing ones away for causing a public nuisance ...
Would you be willing to join them NOW and laugh along wholeheartedly until the tears run down your cheeks?
Why would you do that? Do you have doubts?
Isn't the world absurd enough for you?
Haven't you long since noticed that nothing is as it is supposed to be?
Quelle: Otfried Weise
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