Kerry K: Timeline split: 4 signs that it is happening ~ Kongseb

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Ich habe diese Informationen noch nie zuvor geteilt, dies ist eine aktualisierte Version meines ursprünglichen Videos über die Aufteilung in zwei Welten, aber es enthält 4 Beweispunkte, an denen man die Aufteilung der Zeitlinien erkennen kann, und es enthält Informationen über das Mimikry-System, weshalb dies so verwirrend aussehen kann (es sei denn, man weiß es).

I've never shared this information before, this is an updated version of my original two world split video, but it contains 4 points of evidence that you can see the splitting of timelines and it contains info about the mimicry system which is why this can look so confusing (unless you know).

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The two-world split – separation of timelines 4 signs that it's underway


01:07 the mandela effect
01:38 the convergence point
03:40 the membrane between worlds
04:38 the two worlds
04:58 the lower reality
07:00 how long
07:51 the lower level reality has two paths
08:04 earth is 5D
09:11 those who are not ready for 5D
10:24 the overachievers of 5D
11:42 the false matrix is a mimicry system set to collapse
13:02 being inserted into a timeline
14:34 forming reality for 4D
14:27 the debris of the collapse of the false matrix
14:45 the 4D world without manipulation
17:03 you don’t remember before this life
17:51 the 5D reality: how you will feel
19:19 your body is restructured at ascension
20:25 animals and children
20:50 children from divorced parents
21:42 support beings in 4D
22:06 the aurora borealis (evidence 1)
23:42 the mimicry system
24:17 evidence 2: 5D or G
25:20 evidence 3: endless vs infinite

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With love Kerry K
